Friday, July 10, 2009

Basement pictures (probably too much info)

to the left of Wade you can see the door that would be the entry to the basement appartment. Where he is measuring Is where we are thinking a kitchen could go.

This is the fireplace in the living room area

You can see the door the the bedroom on the left

Lovely paneling, ;)

Cedar lined closet

You can see the bathroom door on the right. I forgot to get a pic. This area we would plan to turn into another bedroom.

Same area, different angle. We would block off the stairs and the laundry room so we had access from upstairs. I'm thinking about including a door here because if we like our tennants I guess they could use our laundry too but there is a lot of storage room back there we would want to take advantage of. The kitchen area would be on the otherside of the wall (to the left )from the laundry room. We think we could tap into the electricy and piping in the laundry room for the kitchen.

Laundry room. Too bad those don't stay :(

All that seperates the laundry room from the kitchen is this peice of dry wall that hasn't even been finished on either side.

Boring piping and electrical stuff. She says the water heater is new.

More close storage in the laundry room. closets in these old houses are so small.

This thing is ancient but she says it still works great. It runs of oil that gets delivered and put in a pipe in the back yard.

Cold storage in the basement. I like how they have insulated with egg cartons.

Another storage room in the basement.

Stairs between basement and main level.